New Fall Bible Classes!
There are lots of chances for great Bible study this Fall! We've missed many of you who were teaching our kids' classes on Sunday mornings during the summer---we're looking forward to reconnecting. Thanks for teaching our kiddos!
On Sunday mornings (at 9:30), we're studying "What's so Amazing About Grace" by Philip Yancy. It consists of a short video followed by discussion. Here is an except from the study: "We speak of grace often. But do we understand it? More important, do we truly believe in it....and do our lives proclaim it as powerfully as our words? In this study, award-winning author Philip Yancy explores grace at street level. If grace is God's love for the undeserving, then what does grace look like in action?"
Also on Sunday mornings, Shawn Dickenson and Ling Neeley will be facilitating at class for single women called "True Contentment". This is for women of all ages. It will be beneficial to women who have never been married, are divorced, or are spiritually single. The meet at 9:30 in room 301B.
If you would like to see what other Sunday morning classes the church is offering, check with the information booth in the atrium on Sunday morning.
W.O.W. (Women Opening the Word) starts this Friday, Sept. 15 at 9:30 in the chapel! We will be studying "He Speaks to Me" by Priscilla Shirer. Books are available at the bookstore in the atrium or can be purchased at Lifeway. Childcare will be provided, so come spend a few hours in meaningful Bible study and fellowship! This is a great way to connect with other women in the church--especially women outside of our age group that you might not get to know otherwise. Hope to see you on Friday!
As the time draws closer for us to move out of our building it will become even more important for us to stay connected as a group. So, be sure to continue to come to whatever class you have chosen on Sunday mornings and continue to check the blog. We will keep you updated as we get information.